Punching Monkeys.
Punching Monkeys.
Punching Monkeys.
...Just, say it with me. That's all I ask. Please. I'm on my hands and knees here. For you. Only for you. Otherwise, I'd be standing. Makes sense, right?
When you left, I didn't know what to do. You were gone, leaving no trace, no evidence -- no nothing -- of where you were going or why you had left. I was scared out of my wits, like a child left alone overnight in a run-down dollar-store. Sure, I had the keys to the kingdom and all the toys at my disposal, but no matter how hard I tried, I still felt empty inside.
Huh. "Tried." "Inside." ...Almost like "Punching Monkeys." Funny that.
Arrg! Okay, okay! I get the picture! You don't have to slap me. I know what I did, and I blame you. When Sparkles was attacked...by that...thing...
Oh. Oh GOD! I don't even want to think about it! It was you! This was why you left! It was the guilt, you son of a bitch! When you took her out for a walk, the...the organ grinder...his...pet...
PunChing MonKeys
pUnching MOnkEys
PoNching mUnkeYS
...No, no, I'm okay. Really! I'm fine! It was just a headache -- it'll pass! ReAlLy!
So, then. Where do we, uh, go from here, hmm? You've got a car and I've got my what's left of my dignity -- we could just hit the road and never look back. What do you say?
...We can't? What do you mean, we can't? If anything, I should be calling the shots, not you! You're...you're nothing but a filthy dog killer! ...Or, at least, the assistant to one! You should be the one behind bars, not me!
...oh...sorry...about that little...outburst...
It's just, when I saw that...thing...staring at me with its beady eyes and snarling face, I just...I get a little tense. My hand...it curls into a ball...and I lose...control...over my head...and I just have to...
PunChinG MonkEYs!
Pnshg Mks!
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